A few days ago we received the first boards for v0.9, and a USB hub module.

The bare boards:

kimchi bare pcb front kimchi bare pcb back

Here is a cross section of the board:

cross section

The board stackup as ordered is:

Copper     FCu  -----                           0.33 oz, plating to 1oz
PP              xxxxx   3 mil
FR4      L2/L3  =====   0.1 mm (except copper)  1/1 oz
PP              xxxxx   9.3 mil
FR4      L4/L5  =====   0.1 mm (except copper)  1/1 oz
PP              xxxxx   9.3 mil
FR4      L6/L7  =====   0.1 mm (except copper)  1/1 oz
PP              xxxxx   3 mil
Copper     BCu  -----                           0.33 oz, plating to 1oz

Lamination thickness: 1.11 mm +/- 0.08 mm
Finished thickness: 1.2 mm

We also got in some USB hub prototype PCBs:

micro lid hub

Parts are on order and assembly of the prototype boards should begin soon.